Identity, Visual Language.

Tourism Canmore

Canmore Kananaskis, located in Alberta, Canada, is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty and abundant outdoor recreational opportunities. This region comprises both the town of Canmore and the expansive wilderness of Kananaskis Country, nestled in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. In response to the growing demand for a less congested and more affordable alternative to its bustling neighbour, Banff, Tourism Canmore Kananaskis embarked on a refresh of its brand.

Our aim was to craft an identity deeply rooted in the raw, untamed spontaneity of it’s nature. The handcrafted wordmark feels bold, confident and contemporary. Inspired by nature it's organic form feels informal, welcoming and neighbourly. The varying heights within the design capture the dynamic spirit of the Kananaskis mountains without incorporating a mountain icon into the logo. We looked to the vibrant hues of the landscape to inform our colour palette, embracing the lush greens of the forests, the serene blues of the rivers and skies, and the rich golden tones of the Larch trees. The hand-crafted patterns, icons, and typography draw inspiration from the local nature, bringing a sense of rawness, warmth and approachability to the brand.

Will Creative Inc.
Creative Director: Nick Richards

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